
Welcome to the webpage of Brad Chew.



Financing my rock climbing and tinkering through grad school. It’s going okay.

  • PhD student with UC Davis BioMEMS
  • MEMS engineer investigating metabolimic, chemical, and biochemical sensors.
  • Determined to make precision point of care diagnostics affordable and accessible.
  • Bouldering my way around Lake Tahoe and the Eastern Sierras. Occasionally convinced to clip draws and climb ropes.
  • Getting outside whenever I can.
  • Visit the Projects and Blog section to see what I’m tinkering with on my own time.
  • Interested in working with me? Here’s my CV

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Jan 3, 2021

We’re Live Baybee!

It’s high time I put something out on the internet about myself. For the volume of time I spend on a computer, I’m still remarkably offline. In an attempt to kludge together a landing zone for sharing photos, writing posts and making professional contacts I’ll be publishing this website. An astute reader will also observe at the time of publishing this, January 3rd 2021, I have just finished winter holiday break during quarantine. Read more
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